Grab a chip, dig in.

You know when something just feels right? Yeah, that’s how this whole thing started.  What used to be is now Communiqueso, and here is what it means to you:

1. A fresh new voice and a fun new look.

I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when I met Laura Ewan at a CPSM study group (circa 2010), I knew she was one of my own. And my wolf pack, it grew by one. And now we’re making it official by cementing our love as co-founders of Communiqueso.

Laura and I will now be working together to bring you even more content, in more ways, with more insight (and puns) than ever before. Let’s do this.

 2. New ways to engage.

And with a new brand, comes brand spankin’ new social accounts specifically for Communiqueso. Check ’em out here:


Hold tight – this one is the works and will launch very soon! The Communiqueso podcast will feature interviews with peeps from all over the place, covering topics that we all come up against in our careers. It might even inspire you to make some changes, at least we hope so.

What’s that – you’re not listening to podcasts yet? Here are some good ones to get your started while you wait for the hot, delicious communiqueso.

4. A crave-worthy community you want to be a part of.

It’s a community that will house the hot, delicious marketing and communications insight you crave. A community to share the ideas, the voices, and the passion that keep us inspired. It’s not all about us and our opinions. Communiqueso is a community and everyone has something to contribute, because everyone has something they’re passionate about. Interested in contributing? Drop us a line, and be sure to sign up to have the hot, delicious Communiqueso delivered right to your inbox!

 We’re pretty excited about it, can’t you tell?

kate + laura = communiqueso
Big cheesin’